Carmina Slovenica

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Carmina Slovenica

Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities: production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.

... They can do anything: speak naturally in English, look the audience in the eyes and wait who will be the first who laughs (guess who wins?), scream, stay quiet, sing, with that marvellous energy, composure and professionalism ...
Le Monde

Choregie Concert Series

Choregie Concert Series INTONO <em>Photo: Urška Lukonvjak</em>

INTONO Photo: Urška Lukonvjak

INTONO <em>Photo: Urška Lukonvjak</em>

INTONO Photo: Urška Lukonvjak

VOGP Music of survival

VOGP Music of survival

VOGP Music of survival

VOGP Music of survival

VOGP Music of survival

VOGP Music of survival



David Lang: The Little Match Girl Passion

David Lang: The Little Match Girl Passion

Six Houses

Six Houses

Sounded Sculptures

Sounded Sculptures

Sounded Sculptures

Sounded Sculptures
