DVD / 2024
Boštjan Gombač, multiinstrumentalist, voice
Izidor Leitinger, electronics, alto horn, voice
Fantje na vasi, vocal group
Karmina Šilec, artistic director
waver: Marta Gregorc
shoemaker: Saša Kovačev
stonemason: Alojz Urnaut
clogmaker: Martin Muml
seamstress: Vesna Novitović
music instruments repairman: Andrej Robnik
carpenters: Branko Čelofiga, Ivan Belca
various carftworks: Tone Žuraj, Primož Šušteršič, Marko Perger, Miran Mustafa, Miran Kosi, Darko Trantura, Pavel Brlič
Music preview
From the Press
... From music, or better, staged music projects by Karmina Šilec we can expect a lot, but certainly not conventionality. In terms of innovativeness and unconventionality, as well as artistic conviction, the transdisciplinary opera Op. 1: homo faber - in front of an auditorium filled to the last seat - met these expectations ... (Večer)
... A multi-layered, artistically compelling but anything but light work ... (Večer)
... loaded with multiple synonyms, anthropological, psychological, sociological, and even philosophical questioning of utilitarian production and its various aspects, concepts, and contexts. And also about workers' resistance, sabotage, and destruction of tools and machines (it is no coincidence that the English term Luddite is derived from the Latin ludus), which replaced direct manual labor in the industrial age. Now robotics is displacing it even more, and artificial intelligence is encroaching on the sphere of mental (including artistic) creativity and freedom, giving added urgency to fears of dehumanization ... (Večer)
... with music, harmoniously calm mise-en-scene and a play of the light OP.1: homo faber evokes an aesthetic pleasure but on the other side destroys it with occasional crashes and discomfort, stimulated by visuals. Above all, it encourages a multilayered and not necessarily pleasant contemplation of reality in general and of the role of a man and his endeavors in it. ... (Večer)