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E Knjige: Epub, ki jo prejmete po e-mailu ali na BIBLOS
NOLITE TACERE (Karmina Šilec)
PLANET CARMINA (Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek)
Skok na vsebino // Skok na meni
E Knjige: Epub, ki jo prejmete po e-mailu ali na BIBLOS
NOLITE TACERE (Karmina Šilec)
PLANET CARMINA (Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek)
Threnos (for the Throat), premiered in March, 2020
Composer / concept: Jacob Cooper (USA)
Direction / concept: Karmina Šilec (SI)
Performed by: New Music Theatre Choregie (SI)
…Threnos (for the Throat) is a masterly example of exciting music theatre, brimming with surreal moments, deeply emotive and gripping." (ARTS TALK MAGAZINE, NL)
... the projects in the production of CS keep amazing us with their attunement with the topical issues, often anticipating certain themes which we later bring to life in reality.
... The performers, musicians once again showed with their presence and performance the versatility of their talents and abilities ...
...Threnosestablished a crossroads between art and death, and Karmina Šilec and the collective of her musical theatre established a collective creative process that we have missed so much lately.
…Threnosonce again reminded us of the excellence of the Carmina Slovenica collective, of the exploring all the boundaries of music and the stage. The exciting meta-composition and suggestive execution functioned powerfully and convincingly in all its elements. ...
Which is particularly relevant at a time when the global pandemic tragedy is showing itself as a reflection of this human attitude towards animals and the greed of modern industry, especially meat processing. With the idea of the triangle man-animal-machine, sound processing of the human voice was also introduced, which represents an aspect of the machine (with the help of digital rumours) and is reminiscent of the fragility and vulnerability of human/animal (voice) and the extensibility of life, the living. It is about the consciousness and respect for life, that is, about that different understanding of the world and nature which puts in the foreground the right to life of all living beings in the conditions of the "economy of death", of the killing (of animals). This economy touches not only on the question of people's attitude towards animals, but also on people's attitude towards people, of people towards nature.
Predstavljamo zasedbo Novoglasbenega gledališča Choregie 2020/2021.
mednarodni projekt DERT
DVD Threnos (za grlo)
CD Pokrajine - Zima
Pevska šola CS v letu 2020 ne bo izvajala programa rednega izobraževanja.
Zaradi novih okoliščin, povezanih s Covid 2019 in posledično s financiranjem kulturnih dejavnosti, v letošnjem letu ne bomo razpisali
rednih programov Pevske šole CS (Junior CS, PU, ...)
Projektne vsebine bodo objavljene na spletni strani in na družabnih omrežjih.
Vabimo, da nam sledite in se nam pridružite!
Poletni tabor ATTACCA 25. 8. - 29. 8. 2020
Program: vokalna tehnika, študij nove glasbene literature, choregie delavnica
Delavnice so namenjene razvijanju novega projekta, ki bo premierno izveden v začetku leta 2021.
prijave na:
14. 5. 2020 od 12.00
Mednarodni festival Operadagen Rotterdam prinaša sodobne trende v glasbenem gledališču in operi ter je odprt za različna glasbeno-gledališka iskanja.