Carmina Slovenica

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Carmina Slovenica

Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities: production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.

… radiate fantastic energy, composure and professionalism on stage ... In all positions fully master all techniques at all times with astonishing perfection ...
Le Monde


intermedia project

Je na Dravci m'hlica     There is a mist on the river Drava is inspired by Carinthian folk love songs in which the river Drava represents a point of transition or a conflict.  In reharmonisations, adaptations of folk songs and original musical thoughts of Hedera Vento, a...
Sašo Vollmaier (foto: Nika Hölcl Praper)



cikel CHOREGIE 2023 KIND OF LAIBACH Minoritska cerkev, 17.5. 2023 ob 20.00 Performed by: Sašo Vollmaier Music: Sašo Vollmaier (on the base of music by Laibach)   "The piano ain't got no wrong notes." Thelonious Monk "Agree with that. But Laibach ain’t got...



cikel CHOREGIE 2023 PAST TIMES ECHOES Minoriti Church Maribor, 7.5.2023 at 20.00   The Chamber choir of  Glasbena matica Ljubljana Mateja Bajt, flutes conductor: Sebastjan Vrhovnik author of the project Gallus – European composer: Veronika Brvar Music:...



cikel Choregie 2023 SEEN... UNSEEN... Maribor, 12.5.2023 – Minoritska cerkev, 20.00   Mojca Vedernjak - mezzosoprano Žarko Ignjatović - guitar MUSIC: Fanny Hensel, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Fernando Sor   As early as 1878, the heirs of Felix...

cikel CHOREGIE 2023

Program CHOREGIE 2023 VSTOPNICE   5.5.2023 ob 20.00 Philomela geolocated sound exhibition author: Karmina Šilec Performers: Carmina Slovenica Rače Castle   7.5. 2023  ob 20.00 Past times echoes concert Performers: Komorni...

From the French salons

music-dance project

Danes smo vajeni poslušati glasbo le še v koncertnih dvoranah, a veliko glasbe je nastajalo za izvajanju v drugačnih okoljih. Kaj bi pričakovali ob obisku družabnega salona v Parizu v začetku 20. stoletja? Veliko umetnosti. Tako intimno blizu, da bi slišali dih pevca in vonjali znoj plesalca. Slikarji, plesalci, meceni, aristokrati, pevci, literati in drugi so se srečevali v intimnih prostorih premožnih gostiteljev. Tam so peli in plesali, jedli in razpravljali, se ljubili in opijali, ustvarjali in prerekali. Vsakdo je lahko zapel, zaigral na inštrument, recitiral ali zaplesal. Saloni so bili mesto, kjer so obiskovalci z umetnostjo polnili duha, v pogovorih ostrili um in uživali ob vinu. Misli, besede, glasba, gib, podobe so bile povezane v umetniško družabni dogodek. Glasbeno plesni projekt z glasbo francoskih skladateljev - Iz francoskih salonov prinaša izkušnjo takega intimnega druženja.


Gabriel Faure, Benjamin Godard, Claude Debussy, Mel Bonis, Cecile Chaminade, Georges Aperghis, Reynaldo Hahn, Mátyás Gyorgy Seibe, R. Gliere, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin, Maurice Ravel

Karmina Šilec: PHILOMELA

geolocated sound exibition

PREMIERE: 25.11.2022 ob 19.00

next run: 28., 29. in 30. 11.2022 ob 19.00

Architectural space is not a total message in itself. It makes something possible, but it becomes fully meaningful only when it is used. It can also be an indicator of the content. Architecture could become interesting differently when experienced via auditory senses. Space through sound. In sound exhibition Philomela the interplay between aural and visual architecture creates captivating spatial experiences. Sonic walk is designed to immerse a walker in the sounds and place by placing music in the church and in quiet spaces of outdoor courtyards what heightens walkers’ awareness to sound and space. Songs sound like the landscape what shaped the experience. After installing the free smartphone app and downloading Philomela, participants can explore at their own pace, triggering a dense array of musical cells that are carefully crafted to harmonize with the Minoriti church landscape and attractions. 

PHILOMELA tries to increase awareness of the gaps in our knowledge of music composed by women. The project aims to change our understanding of the canon of classical music, and its overwhelmingly male appearance. The project aims to investigate forgotten identity of early women composers. The goal is also to erase the need for the distinction of ‘female’ composer entirely.

Carmina Slovenica's first geolocation sound exhibition takes the listener through Minoriti Church. With the help of a simple application loaded on a smartphone, listeners follow the markings on the map of Minoriti. When listeners enter geographically restricted areas - at locations marked with a circle - the musical content of Carmina Slovenica's performance is triggered.




PLANET CARMINA in English translation

printed / e book

Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek:PLANET CARMINA translation: Irena Duša   Accompanying one of the best choirs to six continents meant writing our own Lonely Planet or Travelling Planet on those journeys together. Landscapes, real and imaginative, are mixed together, they...


Music theatre Now Jury on THRENOS … THRENOS (for the Throat) is an exciting piece not only because of the ritual in which it engages the audience, but also because it has a strong message. The notion of understanding nature and reflection of society through the metaphor of mourning animals,...