Carmina Slovenica

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Carmina Slovenica

Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities: production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.

… The art of choral singing of the choir, led by Karmina Šilec, and also their performance on stage, leave a strong impression. … a big applause for the dedicated performing girls …
Die Deutsche Bühne


Kurt Schwitters

ONLINE CONCERT 3.1.2021  Kurts Schwitters: Ursonate In The Ursonate the word passes over into the sphere of pure sonority. The word reveals its inner alchemy and has its place, space, weight and colour. With the non-semantic sound poetry, escaping from the field of words and...


meditation with music

ONLINE LINK Music: S.Rahmaninoff, G.P. Pergolesi, M.Durufle, Orthodox chants, Traditional music, M.Head, K. Šilec, Codex Las Huelgas, A.Kastalsky and other Performers: Carmina Slovenica /Ansamble Kebataola /Youth choir Maribor Karmina Silec, conductor   Mother Mary...

ITI International Theatre Institute

Carmina Slovenica presentation at General Assembly 2020

PRESENTATION link ITI - World organisation for performing arts  Presentation of Slovenia at General Assembly on 14. December, 2020 presenter: Tatjana Ažman (SI)     last performance befor lockdown   ...

DOORWAYS video premiere

Threnos (for the Throat)

Threnos (for the Throat), premiered in March, 2020

Composer / concept: Jacob Cooper (USA) 
Direction / concept: Karmina Šilec  (SI)
Performed by: New Music Theatre Choregie (SI) 


... the projects in the production of CS keep amazing us with their attunement with the topical issues, often anticipating certain themes which we later bring to life in reality. 

... The performers, musicians once again showed with their presence and performance the versatility of their talents and abilities ...

...Threnos established a crossroads between art and death, and Karmina Šilec and the collective of her musical theatre established a collective creative process that we have missed so much lately. 

…Threnosonce again reminded us of the excellence of the Carmina Slovenica collective, of the exploring all the boundaries of music and the stage. The exciting meta-composition and suggestive execution functioned powerfully and convincingly in all its elements. ...

Which is particularly relevant at a time when the global pandemic tragedy is showing itself as a reflection of this human attitude towards animals and the greed of modern industry, especially meat processing. With the idea of ​​the triangle man-animal-machine, sound processing of the human voice was also introduced, which represents an aspect of the machine (with the help of digital rumours) and is reminiscent of the fragility and vulnerability of human/animal (voice) and the extensibility of life, the living. It is about the consciousness and respect for life, that is, about that different understanding of the world and nature which puts in the foreground the right to life of all living beings in the conditions of the "economy of death", of the killing (of animals). This economy touches not only on the question of people's attitude towards animals, but also on people's attitude towards people, of people towards nature. 


English edition

English edition of book Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek PLANET CARMINA (2020) in digital version.


anniversary VIDEO IN HONOUR Veljo Tormis Veljo Tormis was an Estonian composer, regarded as one of the great contemporary choral composers and one of the most important composers of the 20th century in...