Carmina Slovenica

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Carmina Slovenica

Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities: production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.

…Toxic Psalms adds a savage yet polished theatricality to the mix as well as an ambiguity all too rare in American performance… all add up to an evening that’s bracing yet, perversely enough, enchanting…
The New York Times

Toxic Psalms in New York

Great success of Toxic Psalms in New York

…The grandiosity of the staging rivals what one might see at the Met…an overwhelming aural and visual experience… Šilec presents her arcana with a heavy dose of beauty and wonder…" Theatre Mania … vibrantly theatrical, genre-blurring, unusual in its...

New project: Ultimate collective experience

I'll tell you. You're young, but you're one of us, and I'm one of us, so I'll tell you. Toxic Psalms are a reflection of the spiritual anguish of today. At the centre of the project is the shaman idea: everyone and everything that man creates can be turned against him if used without...

Carmina Slovenica in New York City

Carmina Slovenica with Toxic Psalms in New York January 6-13, 2015 Get tickets for performance here   The ultimate experience at the Prototype festival 5 performances in the famous St. Ann’s Warehouse Presentations at the APAP NYC   PROTOTYPE The...

Festival Prototype

Prototype is the premier festival of ‘visionary music-theatre’ works and a pioneer in its field. This leading festival of its kind in the USA is a co-production of Beth Morrison Projects and HERE, two leaders in the creation and presentation of contemporary, post-classical, multi-disciplinary opera-theatre and music-theatre work.

Melbourne Festival

Carmina Slovenica in Australia

Our project When the mountain changed its clothing wiis being performed at Melbourne Festival in Australia, from 23rd to 28th October 2014. When the mountain changed its clothing draws its inspiration from the Resian folk song Da Pa Ćanynu, reflecting the seasonal changes on the mountain of...


A lecture given by Karmina Šilec

IFCM World Symposium for Choral Music, Seoul, South Korea, 11 and 13 August 2014


Carmina Slovenica performance at the opening of Lent Festival

On Friday, June 20th, 2014 at 21.30pm, Carmina Slovenica opened the Lent Festival! Balkan music is seductive and hardly ever leaves the listener untouched. Balkanika does not merely touch you, it strongly embraces you.  The body responds – with a smile perhaps or swaying with the...

50 impressive seasons of Carmina Slovenica

We celebrate the 50th anniversary

We firmly stepped into the year 2014, the year of the jubilee in which Carmina Slovenica celebrates its 50 years of existence. On that wonderful occasion, a monography and exhibition are being in the making, as well as an open singing lessons and workshops and other various events. Last but not least, a new CD with the most recognizable and resounding songs performed over the last years is going to be published.

Fortuna Won't Be Fauvel's Match

… music theatre which … is becoming a category, a phenomenon and a measure on its own …

… her projects are included in the Slovene art pantheon of the unforgettable …

 … astonished at the ability of the young corpus, acting with confidence, mastering the challenging choreography, is verbally nimble and musically perfect …

