Carmina Slovenica

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Carmina Slovenica

Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities: production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.

… radiate fantastic energy, composure and professionalism on stage ... In all positions fully master all techniques at all times with astonishing perfection ...
Le Monde

Planet Carmina

Presentation of Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek's book

19. 4. 2018, Kazina, Ljubljana
26. 4. 2018, Minoritska cerkev Maribor

The conversation with the author in Ljubljana will be led by Veronika Brvar 
The conversation with the author in Maribor will be led by Darka Zvonar Predan

Accompanying one of the best choirs to six continents ment writing our own Lonely Planet or Travelling Planet on those journeys together. 




Minoriti Church Maribor, 22. 3. 2018 at 7. p. m.

Musical response to marvels
Medieval sacred music celebration concert on The European Day of Early Music

Performed by:
Ensemble !Kebataola!
Chamber Choir Carmina Slovenica,
Youth Choir Carmina Slovenica
Artistic director: Karmina Šilec
Music guidance: Jasmina Črnčič

Music: Gregorian chants, Kassia, Hildegard of Bingen, Codex Calixtinus, Codex Las Huelgas, Roman de Fauvel, Orthodox chants, Karmina Šilec etc.

VOGP Music of survival

Premiere: 2. 3. 2018 at 8. p. m., Union Hall, Maribor

Female vocal orchestra VOGP
Karmina Šilec, conductor

MUSIC: J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, J. Brahms, L. van Beethoven, A. Dvořák, F. Chopin, M. Ravel and others in arrangements by internments Margaret Dryburgh in Norah Chambers

VOGP Music of survival

Premiere: 2. 3. 2018 at 8. p. m., Union Hall, Maribor

Female vocal orchestra VOGP
Karmina Šilec, conductor

MUSIC: J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, J. Brahms, L. van Beethoven, A. Dvořák, F. Chopin, M. Ravel and others in arrangements by internments Margaret Dryburgh in Norah Chambers

Production: Carmina Slovenica

Six Houses

Baroque and modern music

11. 11. 2017, Minoriti Church Maribor

MARKO HATLAK, accordion
Concert Choir Carmina Slovenica, conductor Karmina Šilec

Choregie Concert Series


Choregie Concert Series

INTONO, 22. 3. 2018 at 7. p. m., Minoriti Church Maribor
Carmina Slovenica, Ensemble !Kebataola!


VOGP: Music of survival, 2. 3. 2018 at 8. p. m., Union Hall, Maribor
Vocal orchestra VOGP, Karmina Šilec 

Meetings, 31. 1. 2018, Minoriti Church, Maribor
The Slovene Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra and Nika Gorič (soprano), Carmina Slovenica, artistic director Karmina Šilec 


David Lang: The Little Match Girl Passion, 7. 1. Minoriti Church, Maribor 
ensemble !Kebataola! (Neža Vasle, Anja Šinigoj, Tine Bec, Jaka Mihelač), artistic director Karmina Šilec


Six Houses, 11. 11. 2017, Minoriti Church, Maribor
Marko Hatlak (accordion) and Carmina Slovenica, conductor Karmina Šilec


Sounded Sculptures, 21. 10. 2017, Minoriti Church, Maribor
SToP - Slovenian Percussion Project and Jure Ivanušič, actor
Carmina Slovenica, conductor Karmina Šilec

Ticket: 15,00 EUR
You can buy the tickets at the Box Office of Puppet Theatre Maribor.

Karmina Šilec nominated for the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities

The prize as an “Oscar for European Theatre” or “Oscar for Drama”

The Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities (EPTR) was founded to encourage new trends in European theatre in all its forms, articulations and expressions. The prize for theatre innovation has been awarded to Anatoly Vasiliev, Christoph Marthaler, Romeo Castellucci, Thomas Ostermeier, Katie Mitchell, Heiner Goebbels, Rimini Protokoll, Pippo Delbono, Guy Cassiers, Krzysztof Warlikowski, and others. Nominating the candidates, the jury works closely with several associate members of the prize board: Union des Théâtres de l'Europe, Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre, International Theatre Institute, UNESCO, European Festivals Association, former prize winners, representatives of European theatre festivals, theatres, institutions and also critics from major European newspapers.

Classical:NEXT 2017

18. 5. 2017 De Doelen, Rotterdam

Presentation of the projects of Carmina Slovenica and the choregie concept in Rotterdam


Classical:NEXT, 2017
18. 5. 2017 De Doelen, Rotterdam

Karmina Šilec will present the projects of Carmina Slovenica and her artistic concept choregie at the global meeting of music innovators Classical:NEXT in Rotterdam.

Poslušajte vsi človeki!

500 years of the Reformation in Slovenia

16. 6. 2017 at 19.00, Minoriti Church Maribor

Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
Concert Choir Carmina Slovenica
Conductor: Martina Batič

Choregie Concert Series

Ticket: 15 EUR
You can buy the tickets at our web shop or at the Box Office of Puppet Theatre Maribor during the opening hours.


Musical Tradition of the First Nations


Indigenous Choir for the first time in Slovenia! !

8. 5. 2017 at 19.00, Union Hall, Maribor

Gondwana - Indigenous Choir Australia, conductor Lyn Williams
Concert Choir Carmina Slovenica, artistic director Karmina Šilec
Choral School CS

Ticket: 5 EUR
You can buy the tickets at our web shop or at the Box Office of Union Hall one hour before the concert.
